APODC has provided valuable support to NZ families since 1952. Help us extend our reach. BECOME A MEMBER OR RENEW ATTEND A FREE EVENT
APODC has provided valuable support to NZ families since 1952. Help us extend our reach. BECOME A MEMBER OR RENEW ATTEND A FREE EVENT
Help us reach more families, so they can receive much needed support, advice & connections. BECOME A MEMBER OR RENEW ATTEND A FREE EVENT
The sooner we connect with families, the better the outcome for deaf children.
Be a part of our community, and contribute to connected futures for deaf children, youth, and families.

Welcome to APODC

There are around 1,000 deaf children living in the Auckland area, including some with additional physical and learning difficulties. 90% of deaf children are born into hearing families, and the majority attend mainstream school, where they may be the only deaf child.

Deaf children face very real challenges associated with being in a world designed for hearing people. Communication difficulties and isolation are common experiences, which are also profoundly felt by families and whānau.

When deaf children, youth, and their families connect, things look very different. APODC helps them connect and provides social activities, support, advice and parental education.  Please help us reach more families of deaf children, so they too can receive our support.

Family Social Events

We offer a bi-monthly program of social events, including family camp, to bring families and whānau together so they can enjoy quality time together, and access peer support. All are welcome here!…


We use our networks to plan information sessions each year, where parents and caregivers can find out about topics that are important to them. Resources our catalogued on the online library so that families can find the information that they need, when they need to find it…

APODC runs a program for youth aged 12 years and up, providing opportunities to develop confidence and explore identity. Youth enjoy building relationships with peers, and older role models. APODC also runs regular coffee groups for those with young deaf children…

We partner with lots of other organisations including, Advisors on Deaf Children, Kelston Deaf Education Centre, and Auckland Deaf Society, so that parents and caregivers can access other supports, without having to hunt!…


If you have any questions relating to raising a deaf child, we will do our best to find information through the APODC network. We also advocate on issues important to deaf kids, youth and their families and whānau…


APODC offers a one-off scholarship to full members, attending secondary school to help them achieve something important to them. We can also link you to funding via Deaf Children New Zealand, and other sources….

What's On


Bringing families together to build positive nurturing relationships, with special activities just for them

Our biennial camp for our families will be hosted at The Y Camp Adair this year.

Enjoy fun and new activities, meet new people, practice your NZSL and more with our amazing community.

Date: Friday 21st – Sunday 23rd February

More info to come…

Date: March