Management and Strategic Planning
The Committee
APODC is run by a team of volunteer parents, who are Full APODC members, and up to 2 Associate Members. This group makes up the Managing Committee, which can range in size from 5-10 Committee members, and includes a President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The Committee meets once a month, and may participate in additional meetings during the year.
Annual elections are held for the Committee, with delegates formally voted in at the AGM, which takes place no later than 31st May each year. We welcome enquiries from anyone interested in serving on the Committee.
This is a great opportunity to give back to the organisation, and to be a part of decision making, for the benefit of all our families and whanau. There are 11 Committee meetings throughout the year, excluding January, and Committee members are expected to attend a minimum of 6 meetings, giving apologies when needed. Meetings take place on the 1st Thursday of each month, at 7.30pm – 10pm, at The Hearing House in Greenlane.
Click here to download a copy of our Constitution.
Register your interest in being part of the Committee below.

Joining DCNZ
Deaf Children New Zealand, Tamariki Turi o Aotearoa
APODC is a member group of Deaf Children New Zealand, Tamariki Turi o Aotearoa. This organisation is a national advocacy body, which has been working nationwide with the Government and deafness agencies since 1976, to continually improve the care and education options available to New Zealand’s deaf and hearing impaired children.
There are lots of benefits of joining DCNZ, including being able to meet other families from around the country at the biennial family camp, and having access to additional funding sources. They have a quick and easy online application process.