Our Partners
We regularly work with a number of partner organisations, so that families and Whānau benefit from easy access to multi-agency support.
For the last 3 years, we have held a community picnic with Auckland Deaf Society, the social hub of the Deaf Community, and with the First Signs Service, which works to bring NZSL learning to the homes of families with a deaf child aged 0-6yrs old. Bringing resources together in 1 place, makes it easier for families to get to know services that are there for them, and to find what they need.
Lots of Deaf Community members attended the March picnic, giving deaf children, youth, and their families, the opportunity to explore this culture, which they may decide to play a more active role in, as they grow. Having access to the Deaf Community at events like this, is a powerful aid for families, who frequently have questions about identity, and for young people, who are thinking about their place in the world, and relationship with others.
The following organisations and groups, frequently collaborate with us:
- Ko Taku Reo
- Auckland Deaf Society, and it’s affiliate groups
- Deaf Aotearoa, and the First Signs Service
- Deaf Children New Zealand, Tamariki Turi o Aotearoa
- MOE, and Advisors on Deaf Children
- The Hearing House

Our Sponsors
We would like to acknowledge the following funders who are supporting our operations and projects.
These resources are vital in terms of being able to support our growing membership, whilst also reaching out to new sectors of the community:
1- Community Lotteries – Part time Coordinator wages
2- Foundation North – Interpreter costs, training, events, and wages
3- Community Organisation Grant Scheme (COGS) Manukau – events, and operating expenses/over heads
4- Community Organisation Grant Scheme (COGS) Franklin/Papakura – events, and operating expenses/over heads
5-Community Organisation Grant Scheme (COGS) Auckland – events, and operating expenses/over heads
6- The National Foundation of the Deaf – Development of this website
We would also like to acknowledge The Hearing House, who kindly provide a well equipped meeting venue for our Committee, and other meetings through the year. We feel very fortunate to have access to such a well located community facility, and we are grateful for this partnership.
Our Funders and Sponsors